Úvodní strana / Seznam turnajů / Detail turnaje / Czech Open 2024
24. - 26.05.2024

Czech Open 2024


  • 24-26 of May 2024
  • registration closes on 19.05.2024


  • Fotbal Park Dymník
  • Výletní 775/9,
  • 408 01 Rumburk
  • Czech Republic


  • 4 single rounds men
  • 4 single rounds women
  • 2 double rounds men
  • 2 double rounds women
  • 4 single rounds Juniors Cup (U16)

Side events

  • Free practice on May 23.


  • Men and women package: 60 €
  • Juniors Cup: 25 €
  • Doubles Only 25 €

Practical information

Where can you stay?

For accommodation, you can use the tent town directly on the pitch, the capacity is limited, therefore we ask any interested parties to make a reservation in time by emailing info@dymnik.cz

Access will not be granted without a confirmed reservation. Thank you for your understanding.

Price for 1 tent + 1 person is 400 CZK (another person 100 CZK / night). Price for caravan 550 CZK. Connection to electricity 200 CZK / day.

Possibility of toilets, showers for fee, and parking.

Other accommodation options are Resort Dymník (www.dymnik.cz), Wellness Hotel Lužan (www.hotelluzan.cz) and many other accommodations in and around Rumburk. We recommend contacting Dymník and Lužan at the email addresses recepce@dymnik.cz and info@hotelluzan.cz.



  • Unless otherwise stated in the organiser's terms and conditions, playing and entering the football golf course is at your own risk. Information on this can be obtained from the organiser, Fotbal Park Dymník

Storno conditions

  • If you have to cancel your registration, please write an E-Mail to info@gscore.eu. Please include in the email the tournament, you have signed up for and your name. If you cancel your participation before the registration for the corresponding tournament has been closed, you will get the paid participation fee back to the used credit card. We ask for your understanding, that we will not pay back the participation fee after the tournament has been closed. Closing of registration is always on sunday before the tournament starts.

Zpět na turnaje
Propozice k turnaji

Czech Open 2024

24. - 26.05.2024

Hlavní partneři

Zdravotní pojišťovna ministerstva vnitra České republiky Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. SportHelp.cz, z. s. KOMA Modular s.r.o. PepsiCo CZ, s.r.o. John Deere FAČR


Udělen 30.05.2014